Cause for fracture of adjusting seat of jaw crusher and its troubleshooting

Cause for fracture of adjusting seat of jaw crusher and its troubleshooting

  • Categories:Industry Trends
  • Author:
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  • Time of issue:2015-05-05
  • Views:0

(Summary description)Causeforfractureofadjustingseatofjawcrusher:1.Thewristplateandwristplatecushionarepurchasedorreconstructedbyyourself,anddonotconformtothedesignrequirementofthemainengineplants;2.Thefixingboltoftheadju

Cause for fracture of adjusting seat of jaw crusher and its troubleshooting

(Summary description)Causeforfractureofadjustingseatofjawcrusher:1.Thewristplateandwristplatecushionarepurchasedorreconstructedbyyourself,anddonotconformtothedesignrequirementofthemainengineplants;2.Thefixingboltoftheadju

  • Categories:Industry Trends
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2015-05-05
  • Views:0
Cause for fracture of adjusting seat of jaw crusher:
1. The wrist plate and wrist plate cushion are purchased or reconstructed by yourself, and do not conform to the design requirement of the main engine plants;
2. The fixing bolt of the adjusting seat is loosened;
3. The adjusting seat has serious casting defect or welding defect.
Solution for fracture of adjusting seat of jaw crusher:
1. Replace the adjusting seat of the jaw crusher and replace and assemble the original wrist plate and wrist plate cushion of the main engine plants;
2. Replace the adjusting base and tighten the bolt of the adjusting base;
3. Replace the adjusting base.

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