National Energy Administration convened the suggestion and proposal assignment meeting, requiring completing with guaranteed quality on schedule

National Energy Administration convened the suggestion and proposal assignment meeting, requiring completing with guaranteed quality on schedule

  • Categories:Industry Trends
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  • Time of issue:2015-04-28
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(Summary description)Newsfromcoalmillnetwork:OnApril21,theNationalEnergyAdministrationconvenedthesuggestionandproposalassignmentmeetingin2015.ThesecretaryofPartyCommitteeanddirectoroftheNationalEnergyAdministrationpaidhig

National Energy Administration convened the suggestion and proposal assignment meeting, requiring completing with guaranteed quality on schedule

(Summary description)Newsfromcoalmillnetwork:OnApril21,theNationalEnergyAdministrationconvenedthesuggestionandproposalassignmentmeetingin2015.ThesecretaryofPartyCommitteeanddirectoroftheNationalEnergyAdministrationpaidhig

  • Categories:Industry Trends
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2015-04-28
  • Views:0
News from coal mill network: On April 21, the National Energy Administration convened the suggestion and proposal assignment meeting in 2015. The secretary of Party Committee and director of the National Energy Administration paid high attention to the suggestion and proposal handling work in 2015, and made the special instruction and emphasis. The handling work for the suggestion of NPC (National People's Congress) and proposal of CPPCC member is the important responsibility of the National Energy Administration, and also beneficial to promote to solve the hot spots and difficult problems of the energy field; and the organizers should firmly implement the spirit of the speech of Wang Chen, acting as vice chairman of the Standing Committee of NPC and Du Qinglin, acting as vice president of CPPCC (Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference), pay high attention, clear the responsibility, strengthen the communication, pay attention to the actual effect, and complete the suggestion and proposal handling work with the guaranteed quality on schedule.
Tan Rongyao, member of party group of the Bureau and supervision director, presided over the meeting and made speech. He pointed out that, the suggestion and proposal coagulated the wisdom and painstaking effort of the deputy to the NPC and CPPCC member, and born the wish and expect of the people from all sectors of society, therefore, it should closely combine the practical work, grasp and implement, and strive to practically realize the performance results of the deputy to the NPC and CPPCC member.
It is reported that, the National Energy Administration totally handled 508 suggestions and proposals in 2015. Based on the principle of "Everything is handled and everything has echo", the National Energy Administration shall strengthen the organization, perfect the working mechanism, innovates the working method, standardize the handling procedures, continuously improve the handling quality of the suggestion of the National People's Congress and proposal of CPPCC, satisfactorily complete the handling work of the suggestions and proposals of "Two Sessions", and win the affirmation and appraise of the General Office of National People's Congress and Committee for Handling Proposals of CPPCC. This year, the National Energy Administration totally accepts 523 suggestions and proposals and major suggestions and proposals. 320 suggestions of NPC were undertaken, and the sponsoring cases accounted for 61%; and 203 proposals were undertaken, and the sponsoring cases accounted for 69%, which ranked the first in the committee authority.
Tan Rongyao pointed out that, 2015 was the first year of harmonically promoting the strategic layouts of "Four Comprehensives", and it was significant to complete the suggestions and proposals handling work. As the administrative department of the energy industry, the quantity of the suggestions and proposals that the National Energy Administration undertakes annually is up to more than 500 cases, therefore, the workload is big, and the task is heavy. It should strive to closely combine the practical work, grasp and implement, and strive to practically realize the performance results of the deputy to the NPC and CPPCC member. He required noting the time limit, improving the actual effect, and doing things in strict accordance with the requirement and specification; going deep into the investigation, strengthening the communication, and improving the quality of the approval and satisfaction of the representative committee; making the overall arrangement, paying attention to the actual effect, and promoting to solve the hot spots and difficult problems of the energy field by combining the suggestion and proposal handling; and following the laws and regulations, classifying, and solidly completing the disclosure work of the suggestion and proposal handling result. He emphasized that, the suggestion and proposal handling of the "Two Sessions" was the legal duty of the National Energy Administration, therefore, the party group of the bureau and Director Nour should pay high attention to it. The organizers from the mainly responsible comrade to the specific undertakers should be serious and responsible, practically grasp this work firmly, solidly and well, strengthen the communication, complete with guaranteed quality on schedule, strive to satisfy the representative and committee, and strive to satisfactorily complete the task assigned by NPC and CPPCC.

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